Problems and Moving House

Ok, so this is the quick version of what happened.

In the middle of moving house, I received an email from my hosting company saying my account was in violation of their Terms and Conditions.

It took ten days to get connected to the net at my new house, and by then my host had suspended my account and nothing was working.

Fortunately a good friend of mine allowed me to lug my iMac up to his house and use his internet for a day so I could sort out the mess – in short… I was using old versions of WordPress that had vulnerabilities. A very bad idea as these vulnerabilities were being abused by someone or something which caused my T&C violation.

I had plained to return davinian to its previous state ASAP, but what with all the DIY and sorting out my new house I just haven’t had the time.

Anyway, I’m back and I think everything is sorted. I have sucessfuly moved house, and I’m now living in Dorset, not far from the coast and to be honest, enjoying having my own place again.